Has the Need for the Ten Commandments Gone Astray
Roughly three thousand, four hundred years ago God gave us a set of rules to
follow. He wrote them on stone tablets, with His own finger, before sending Moses down
the mountain with them to relay to the Israelites. People have always gone by this set
of Laws. The Jewish people have always tried, and still do today, to follow them
meticulously. After the death of Jesus, the Gentiles also adopted them as a
schoolmaster, for the purpose of knowing Him and following His instructions. For
generations, our forefathers have hung them in the courthouses and they have been
placed on courthouse lawns. Our constitution and laws are based on them and they are
also written on our hearts, as God said He would do.
However, there are certain people in the world today called unbelievers. They do
not believe in God, nor do they wish to have His laws remain at the courthouses, let
alone in their lives. They wish to rid the earth of any remnants of Him or His memory,
and instead replace His laws with manmade ones. This is a humanist movement, and is
backed by the United Nations, who put up a front that they are a beneficial and helpful
institution, aiding in global conflicts and catastrophes, when the truth is they are
actually an entity against God and everything He stands for.
Ever since 1946, with Harry S. Truman, presiding as President of the United
States, the country adopted a new school curriculum, created by the United Nations and
directed toward establishing world citizenship. Jon Christian Ryter says that this
movement was headed by people called Utopians and that their agenda was to assault and
prohibit Christianity for good. He says that this was a worldwide plan in effort to
produce a one-world regime. Mr. Ryter goes on to explain that at this time American’s
First Amendment Rights were threatened and that steps were taken to put restrictions on
that Amendment, and he proceeds to say that in 1947, UNESCO's Director General, Sir
Julian Huxley stated that children under the age of 12 were harmed by the parents
introducing Christian values to their minds and lives. Toward the end of his article,
he gives the Utopians the new name of Liberals and says that as long as we have them
in power in the United States that the thrashing on Christianity would persist.
(Erasing Christianity).
The United Nations loves these Utopians or Liberals as they are called, because
they are one of the biggest assets they have in carrying out their agenda of deleting
the Christian faith. Eleanor Roosevelt, leader of the left wing, liberal, Democratic
party was involved very heavily with the creation of the “Universal Declaration of
Human Rights”, as she was the most influential member of the UN’s Commission on Human
Rights. (Eleanor Roosevelt). While she put on all the pomp and ceremony of being a
Christian, of the Episcopalian denomination herself, she openly developed an interfaith
outlook on the world. (A Place for Episcopal Teens to Explore Faith). An example of
this would be at her speech in Hyde Park, New York on December 29, 1948, in which she
When we come to religious differences, for instance, we find that the Christians of the
world are less numerous by far than the Mohammedans. And now that we must meet and
work together, it is high time that we developed respect for other peoples' ways of doing
things and an acceptance of a way of life that will make it possible to live in the same
world without friction and with mutual self-respect. (My Day by Eleanor Roosevelt).
She further asserts her encouragement of a global society and shows approval of her new set of
Universal laws by suggesting:
We are going to be concerned more and more, because of the Universal Declaration on
Human Rights, with these questions of the rights of citizens and individuals. And I think
it would be well for us all to begin to analyze our own attitudes and think them over very
carefully in the light of being a part of a world that has grown much smaller and,
therefore, forces us to rub elbows with peoples of many other nations. (My Day by
Eleanor Roosevelt).
As evidence shows, Mrs. Roosevelt was a huge instigator in this abomination to Christianity,
but now she is dead and gone and other liberal and freethinking citizens are now burdened with
the task of carrying on her so-called humanitarian work, but let’s examine how humanitarian this
work is exactly. Article 18 of the document she led in creating essentially states: every person
holds the opportunity to think freely, decide their moral and spiritual freedom; this privledge
encompasses the laxity to alter his declaration of faith, and ability to choose, either in private or
in a populace with others, to practice his spiritual rituals or credence in education, application,
adoration and observation. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights). This law goes against the
very first charge of the Ten Commandments which says, “Thou shalt have no other gods before
Me.” (The Holy Bible) Article 26, Section 2, is even worse in what it states. This section of the
charter expounds:
Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the
strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote
understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and
shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. (Universal
Declaration of Human Rights). This statement is providing a direct collision to what Christians
are commanded from God. He orders us, in 2 Corinthians 6:17 to be separate from the world and
not to be unevenly yoked, neither maritally or in a friendship type alliance with others, who do
not share our faith. Even as Christians are obliged to work with nonbelievers and share their
faith, this law goes against what a child of God is suppose to accept. It not only teaches their
children that it is OK for people to worship in other fashions, but institutes the hidden agenda of
the UN, by making Christian children familiar with world religions and by tempting them to try
their hand at indulging in the worship of diverse objects, such as in a way the Foreign Exchange
Student Program and the Center for Cultural Interchange is set up to do. Students are
unknowingly sensitized to accept, and perhaps practice, the dominant religion of the country in
which they stay. All these acts are designed to fade Christianity into the decaying cadaver, in
which thehumanist, John Dunfy, called it in his essay, "A Religion for a New Age." He said:
The classroom must and will become an area of conflict between the old and the new –
the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery and the
new faith of Humanism, resplendent in its promise of a world in which the never-realized
Christian idea of ‘Love thy Neighbor’ will finally be achieved. (Humanism is a Religion).
I think that statement explains the whole movement in its entirety. It clarifies what Mrs.
Roosevelt meant when she promoted tolerance and understanding. She disguised her movement
by suggesting the idea of love thy neighbor when she really meant for Christianity to lie down
and die so that the new global religion could be introduced.
As we examine the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” we see why they were
instituted along with the Ten Commandments. They were not meant to compliment God’s Laws,
but to destroy them. The liberal party and the United Nations want God’s people out of the way
so that their global earth religion of enlightenment can take precedence. (Fraud, Lies and Green
Works Cited
General Assembly of the United Nations. “Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” 10 Dec
1948. 20 June 2007.
Jud, William. “Fraud, Lies and Green Religion.” Ether Zone. 5 Apr 2002. 20 June 2007.
Kojawa-Holbrook, Sheryl A. “A Place for Episcopal Teens to Explore Faith.” Freedom is a
Dream. New York Church Publishing, 2002: 172-174. 20 June 2007.
< http://www.myfaithmylife.org/eleanorroosevelt.html>.
National Coordinating Committee for UDHR50. “Eleanor Roosevelt.” Franklin and Eleanor
Roosevelt Institute. 5 Aug 2007. 20 June 2007.
< http://www.udhr.org/history/Biographies/bioer.htm>.
Roosevelt, Eleanor. “My Day by Eleanor Roosevelt.” United Feature Syndicate, Inc. 29 Dec
1948. 20 June 2007.
< http://www.gwu.edu/~erpapers/myday/displaydoc.cfm?_y=1948&_f=md001162>.
Ryter, Jon Christian. “Erasing Christianity.” 31 Dec 2005. 20 June 2007.
Stokes, Thomas. “Humanism Is a Religion.” Sept 1983. 20 June 2007.
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