Sunday, July 25, 2010

What Were the Bells and Pomegranates, Which the Priests Were Required to Wear?

 ©2010 Kimberly Padilla, A.A. Religion

A golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a pomegranate, upon the hem of the robe round about. - Exodus 28:34

The priests were commanded to wear a bell and a pomegranate on the hems of their robes. They were sewn in alternatively. Why do you suppose that is? What do you suppose they were symbols for and why were they to keep them so close on their attire? Let's examine!

It seems that the reason for the bells was simply so that the priest could be heard. Some say that the visitors to the tabernacle knew that when they heard no bells that the priest had done something wrong in the eyes of YHWH and had been struck dead.

But let's see what the pomegranate symbolized. I have never counted the seeds in one, nor will I probably ever, so this fact will probably go unverified by me, but it is Jewish tradition that a pomegranate holds 613 seeds. Why is this significant? There are 613 commandments in the Torah (Law of God).

We know that the Torah stands for the Messiah. He is the Living Torah. And the pomegranates, it seems, were a representation of Torah. So when the priests wore the pomegranates around the hem of their garments, it symbolizes that Yeshua was with them. It signifies the fruit of the Spirit, which we have from following Yeshua and giving Him a place in our hearts.

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